Everything you need to navigate and shape the future

Our learning programme features practical, in-depth insights, activities and expertise from global thought leaders, enabling you and your leaders to develop the skills and confidence needed to ensure success.

Our team includes experienced educators, coaches and thought leaders. They have sold over one million books worldwide, and worked with organisations and executives at all levels to develop successful leadership.

Our leadership development programme has been independently verified
as world-class by The Institute of Leadership. Successful completion of the Future Shapers programme leads to membership of the Institute.

Real world learning development

What impact will Expert Leader drive for your teams?

Develop Skills + Confidence
Future-proof your career and deliver success today by developing skills, confidence and success
Shift Thinking
Greater understanding and awareness leads to shifts in mindset and  behaviour: and improved performance and satisfaction results
Maximise Opportunities
Enhanced confidence combined with mindset shifts and vital skills enables leaders to find and maximise opportunities
Improve Performance
Individuals and teams will work more effectively - better able to shape the future, seize the initiative and implement vital priorities 
Impact Priorities
Succeed with your organisation’s specific priorities – from culture change to business transformation
Support Key Initiatives
Complement, support and ensure the success of other initiatives and activities - e.g. business transformation, learning and development activities 

Why Choose Us?

Who is Expert Leader for?

  • Leaders
    Expert Leader is designed for managers and leaders who want to develop their skills, mindset and effectiveness in leading individuals, teams, and the wider organisation.
  • Teams
    Expert Leader’s resources are designed for team members and groups looking to align around a common approach and develop their effectiveness.
  • Educators, L&D Professionals
    Expert Leader deepens and enhances the impact of business schools, trainers, HR professionals, consultants and coaches.